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How to Plan for Breast Augmentation

There are many reasons to get breast augmentation. Many people from many walks of life choose to undergo a breast augmentation. Whether you’re a little insecure, are transitioning or have recently had a mastectomy, have had a baby or you just want bigger boobs! You don’t need to justify it. It’s completely up to you. 

Plastic surgeries are very common nowadays. It’s completely normal to do so. But it’s important to remember that it is still surgery and a lot of planning still needs to be done. 

But what should you do before you get a breast augmentation? Here is how to plan for a breast augmentation 

Budget and Financing 

First and foremost, you need to set your budget. Breast augmentation may or may not require surgery, depending on how big you want it to be. Some surgeons use implants for those who want bigger sizes. Yet, if you just want some lifting and a tiny addition to your breasts, you can opt for fat grafting.

There is no average price for breast augmentation. However, based on most clinic pricing, it is priced from $6000 to $12000. Still, you need to take note that this is just for the surgery, and additional costs like clinic fees are not included with the pricing yet. You will also need to take into consideration any future surgeries, anesthesia fees and in many cases, breast implants need to be replaced after several years. 

You may need pre-surgery check ps such as blood tests, mammograms and breast ultrasounds. 

Blood tests serve as a precautionary measure before surgery. This ensures that you are in good health so you’ll be just fine once your body takes a lot of stress after the surgery. It also ensures you are not pregnant prior to surgery. 

Nonetheless, a mammogram and stress tests may also be included for a seamless and safe operation. It isn’t always necessary to get a mammogram or breast tissue ultrasound prior to a breast augmentation but your surgeon may recommend it if you have a family history of breast cancer. 

Adjust Medications

You must ask your doctors about the medications you can take before you undergo surgery. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also discouraged, as they can increase bleeding. Aside from this, it is important to stop smoking and using recreational drugs to prepare your body and immune system for the stress after the operation. Nonetheless, keep your body healthy before you undergo the procedure.

Have a Support Person

If you’re an outpatient, it is highly recommended to have someone around you. While this surgery can be done in less than a day, it is not advisable to go alone. Ask a friend to drive you to and from the clinic for you to be safe when going back home. You may be very sore for a couple of weeks after surgery and will most likely need someone else to drive you around and to help you with simple tasks like washing your hair. If you have an under the muscle breast augmentation it can be very hard to lift your arms to dress yourself and wash your hair.

Ensure Your Surgeon Is Registered

While breast augmentation is popular, many clinics are still not registered for this type of surgery. It is advised to go to a registered plastic surgeon, a member of the Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS). Although some cosmetologists offer the same procedure at a much lesser price, they are not legally qualified to do such. Always ask your doctors about their credentials, not only their experience.

Breast augmentation isn’t just about wanting to look good, but also to feel great about yourself. Many individuals have undergone this procedure so what’s stopping you from doing so? 


How To Prepare For Surgery

  • Ensure you have appropriate post-surgery bras. Many doctors will provide these but if not ensure you have your own.
  • Have comfortable clothing to wear in the days following surgery.
  • Have pain relief ready for after surgery. 
  • You may have to remove any fake tan and make-up prior to surgery. This will ensure that the surgeons will be able to notice any change in vitals and oxygen levels while in surgery. 
  • Do not apply moisturizer, deodorant or anything else to your body prior to surgery.


Good luck with your surgery and we hope you enjoy the results. 


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