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3 Home Upgrades That Are Worth Every Penny

Whether it’s for safety or to take advantage of new technology and make life a little easier, home updates are a smart and exciting investment to make. But as an owner of a multiple-room house, with a number of appliances and gadgets, it can be hard to determine what the most worthwhile updates are.

In a recent survey conducted by Foundation Finance, it was found that homeowners are projecting a higher than average spend on home updates this year, with 32 percent of respondents focusing on home repairs and technologies. So are you a little lost as to what to update? Let’s take a look at a few cost-efficient and effective changes you can make in your house today:

Smart Home Features

Whether you get a few smart home features or implement a full smart home, this technology is a great investment. From simple conveniences like voice-command lights, telephones, doors and computers, and integrated hard drives that allow you to listen to or watch content in any room to advanced security systems that can be fingerprint compatible and connect straight to the local police station — smart homes offer a number of automated services that keep your family safe and make any task easier. Despite the initial cost of installation, smart homes may actually also save you money in the long term through energy efficiency. The appliance itself uses little energy, while the automated tasks mean lights and appliances will automatically be shut off when leaving a room, saving a ton of your energy bill.

Rewiring Your Home

While it may not be the most exciting of updates, considering rewiring your home is an important safety step to take. Because the system delivers all of your home’s electrical power, a malfunction can be potentially dangerous to you and your family, and destructive to the house. The good news is that rewiring the house is usually a once-in-a-generation update as it only really needs to be done roughly every 50 years. Common signs that it’s needed include frequently tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses, a burning smell, or discoloured outlets and switches. If this sounds familiar and you’re wondering how to rewire a house, it’s best to hire a professional for such intricate work — the cost varies according to the size and age of the home.

Luxury Appliances

Despite the price tag, some luxury appliances are worth every penny due to their efficiency and convenience. Take the Thermador cooktop, which is an end-to-end electromagnetic surface that allows you to place pots on any part of the surface, and transfers the settings when you move the pot to a different position. You could also look into wine chillers and dispensers, sub-zero refrigerators, a rainfall shower-head, or a wall oven. Whether it’s in the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, adding some luxury to the house can be worthwhile to improving your overall quality of life.

Updating your home is an exciting time for any homeowner, as you get the chance to fix any issues and add to the value of your house. However, it’s important to be smart about your investments so use this list to help you focus on updates that are worth the extra expense.


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