How To Grow Your Wardrobe With A Small Budget
Let’s face it: there isn’t a soul alive who hasn’t stared at their wardrobe—brimming with clothes—at least once and declared “I have nothing to wear”. And whilst the truth is never that dramatic nor that literal, our feelings on the matter are still very much valid.
The solution, of course, is retail therapy. But how deep can you afford to go with this spree? If your pursestrings are tighter than usual, then your selections must be shrewd for you to enjoy maximum mileage. Shopping on a budget is a skilled art, yes, but it’s a skilled art that can be taught.
To help out, here’s our top tips on how you can grow your own wardrobe whilst curbing overspending.
Shop smart by seeking out deals
When it comes to fashion retail, there are sales to be found year-round. But there are other deals out as well – you just need to know where to look.
For instance, did you know that you can shop at Myer online via Qantas Shopping to earn Qantas Points with every order you place? This allows you to get extra value with every dollar you spend, whilst also allowing you to stock up on high-quality, designer clothing.
Be sure to also study the retail calendar for your favourite stores and labels. You’d also be surprised by how many deals and sales offers can come your way when you’re signed up to all the right email subscription newsletters!
Shrink your wardrobe first
Sometimes you have to take a step back to take a step forward. This is the case with your wardrobe. Your growth should focus on quality rather than quantity; the first step is taking stock of what you already own.
Make room somewhere and haul out all your clothes. Then, sort them into two piles: keeping and chucking. In this context, we don’t mean for you to throw half of your wardrobe in the bin; instead, take the pile you don’t want to keep and donate the clothes. Or, get yourself a stall at the weekend markets and sell them. Or, sell your clothes online. You never know, you might be sitting on a small chest of secondhand treasures. And selling off some of your existing wardrobe staples that are slowly leaving your rotation can help you gather up a little extra funding for your next shopping spree.
Shop for your lifestyle, not someone else’s
It’s easy to get carried away at first, when setting out to grow your wardrobe on a budget. After all, every piece of clothing you see is virtually forbidden fruit – especially if it comes with a hefty price tag. This is the curse of social media, where everyone seems to be wearing something that you don’t have.
But rather than yield to the relentless tides of passing trends, we wholeheartedly recommend that you take a moment to reflect on how you live your life. You don’t need to dive too deep here, just recognise the things you like to do and what you want to wear when you’re doing them. For instance, if you love to ride your bike on the weekends, you might find a few pairs of shorts or trousers will suffice. If you focus on the staples that suit your lifestyle, you can grow your wardrobe in other small ways.
Don’t skimp on your wardrobe basics
They’re called basics for a reason. A navy blazer, a black cocktail dress, Levi 501s – these eternally stylish pieces won’t ever let you down. Aside from looking fresh no matter which era you embody, these pieces are the very definition of versatile. And in this matter, versatility is your friend.
Think of all your basic wardrobe items and intimate apparel as the base ingredients in your favourite dish. From there, you can easily season your dish with your unique style – or in other words, accessorise! Embracing accessories is a brilliant place to start, as they can perform subtle wonders on a tried and tested outfit. And shopping for accessories can be just as therapeutic as buying a new tartan coat.
Get thrifty
When you pop into your local charity store to donate the clothes you hauled out earlier, browse the racks. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as discovering a fantastic secondhand piece that fits you perfectly.
If you don’t find anything, don’t be disheartened. Finding secondhand gold is a skill in itself. For some, this gift is as natural as walking. For the rest of us, all it takes is a solid understanding of your fashion sense and a generous helping of patience. Trust us, it’s worth being patient, as finding an excellent piece of secondhand clothing will almost always cost far less than if you were to buy it brand new.
These days, you needn’t limit yourself to the Salvos at the end of your street. There are plenty of great secondhand stores online. Just be mindful that most won’t have a return policy if you change your mind.
The funny thing about restriction is that it tends to promote creativity. Art directors and copywriters often attest that the tighter the brief, the more fun they’re able to have with it. Growing your wardrobe with a small budget should be no different. Having a limit on what you can spend simply means you get to unlock your creativity and find solutions. When you do, you’ll find the quality of your wardrobe will flourish.