12 Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
Okay, this may be an unpopular and controversial opinion but I’m going to let you in on a secret and let you know that it’s true! Cats are actually better than dogs. Cats unfairly seem to get a bad reputation.
In my opinion, it seems that people who do not like cats are usually people who have never had the privilege to own or get close to a cat. Don’t get me wrong dogs are great and loving and beautiful animals but here are 12 reasons why cats are better!
1. Cats require less maintenance.
Cats are very independent creatures. You basically just need to feed them, give them water and clean their litter and they’ll be happy. Dogs are another story; you need to walk them bathe them and not to mention give them MUCH more attention. A cat will be happy with the occasional pat, but this will not satisfy a dog. Have you ever been patting a dog and then as soon as you stop you get whacked in the leg with a giant paw? A cat would never do this, they will accept the fact that you are done.
2. Cats really do love their humans
Those pesky dog people will tell you that your cat only likes you because you feed them but this is untrue. A study in Behavioural processes cited that cats really do prefer human interaction over toys, food and Catnip.
3. A cat’s love means more than a dog’s love.
Have you ever noticed that a dog will be happy to get love and affection from anybody?Cats are not like this. A cat will usually only accept love and affection from the people that they trust. Therefore, when a kitty snuggles up to you, you know that they really love you. When a dog does this it just doesn’t feel as special.
4. They are furry little insect and mice murdering machines.
Cats are the only domesticated animal that has not lost its hunting instinct. They are nimble and still have their tiger-like reflexes. Mice and insects will usually not make it past your cat.
5. They are cheaper to own than dogs.
You cannot put a price on love but not all of us are millionaires.
Not only are cats cheaper to adopt but they are also cheaper in many other ways.
Veterinary bills are usually cheaper for felines as well as pet insurance.
There are many other savings to consider such as grooming costs and pet supplies.
6. They’re quieter.
You will not have to worry about your cat barking during the middle of the night and waking up your neighbours. The only noise that you have to worry about is the occasional meow when they want something.
7. They’re less hyperactive.
One of the best things about cats is the fact that they sleep a lot. Dogs are usually always ready to play and this can be exhausting. Sometimes you just want to sit down and pat your cat without them jumping all over you like a dog does.
8. They don’t smell bad and groom themselves
Cats love to stay clean, they love to groom themselves and you will rarely come across a smelly cat. Dogs are a different story, they love to get dirty and roll in the mud. Some dogs even like getting into bins and into your toilet. This can result in dogs being quite smelly.
With a cat you don’t need to worry about them getting onto your bed or couch as they will not make your furniture dirty or smell bad. Imagine how much free time you will save not having to bathe your cat.
9. According to Carroll University cat owners are more intelligent.
Yes, it’s true! A recent Carroll University study proved that “cat people” tended to score higher than dog people on intelligence tests. Go and spread the word to all of your “dog people” friends!
10. You don’t have to walk them
Dogs require a lot of exercise. If you lead a busy life it can be hard to find a time to walk your dog a few times a week. Cats do not require walks which leaves more free time for cuddling your cat on the couch.
11. They don’t take up as much space.
Dogs require a lot more space than cats. If you are a dog owner you will usually be required to have a yard to keep them in, meaning that they are not suitable for apartment living. Cats can pretty much live anywhere and you will not need to worry too much about them taking up all of your space.
12. They make much better videos and memes then dogs do.
We all know that cat videos are the best things on the internet. Yes, dog videos are a thing but they just don’t have the same charm that cat videos do. Cats are weird, funny and adorable. Sorry dog people but cats win this round again!