Fb. In. Tw. Be.

The complete moving checklist 

Moving is possibly one of the most stressful things you will ever do. There seems to be endless things to organise before you move. It is easy to forget a few things. Here is a complete moving checklist to help you get organised before move day. 

My moving nightmare Diary

Recently my boyfriend and I moved out of our rental and into our own house.  We underestimated how hard moving actually was and left most things to the last minute. To make matters worse new tenants were due to move into our old house the day that we got the keys to our new house. This meant that we had to be out of the house and have it ready for the new tenants all in one day. This is how the day unfolded:

2 days before: This is how unorganized we were. The house was still full and we realised we needed an end of lease clean.  We called around and found a last-minute cleaner. Due to the clean being last minute she charged as an eye-watering $600. She asked us to have the house empty so she could clean the next day. This meant we stayed up until midnight packing whatever we could so she could clean. 

The day before: A cleaner comes over and takes our $600. We pack a little and we realise we haven’t organised a moving truck so we hire one last minute 

8:00 AM: We wake up and head to pick up the moving truck that we only booked the day before.

8:30 AM: My mum and aunty come over to help us move but really we just drink coffee with them and eat McDonald’s.

9:00 AM: I notice that there is a jungle in the backyard and do some last-minute gardening instead of packing. I am still in denial and think there’s plenty of time

10:00 AM: There is a problem with the home loan at the bank so my boyfriend heads down and spends the rest of the day there. Fantastic!

11:00 AM: More money problems so I take a cheque and drive it to the home builders office instead of packing.

1:00 PM: Back from builders office. I am alone and my boyfriend is at the bank so I attempt to pack what I can until my boyfriend gets home

2:00 PM It’s 2 PM and I have barely done anything and new people are due to move in, in a few hours… My dad comes over and helps me load the moving truck in the rain

4:00 PM: My boyfriend calls and informs me that the bank made a mistake and we will not be getting the keys to our house. I have a panic attack as new people are due to move in any minute. 

4:05 PM: My landlord calls and informs me that she is on her way with the new tenants. I tell her the bad news and now everyone is having a panic attack. At least we’re all having panic attacks together. 

4:10 PM: It is freezing and hailing. My dad and I began to unload the moving truck we just packed in the rain. 

4:30 PM: The new tenants arrive to move in while I am unloading the moving truck back into their garage. 

5:00 PM: Luckily we know the new tenants and they are happy for us to leave our stuff in their garage for as long as we need.

5:10 PM The new tenants feel sorry for us so we get pizza and booze with the landlord and new tenants. 

Around 9:00 PM: I pack a suitcase with whatever of our stuff we can find and we go and stay at my boyfriend’s parents with our cat for the next 3 days until we get the keys to our new place. 

Learn from my mistakes: The complete moving checklist

Okay so here is the complete moving checklist that you need so that you don’t end up like me on my fateful moving day.

moving house checklist

4-6 weeks before the move complete moving checklist

  • Try to use all of the perishable food in your fridge and freezer prior to the move. The less you have the easier it is to transport
  • -If you are hiring removalists try to book this straight away. You want to move this early so that you get the best possible deal and not a last-minute price.
  • Do a de-clutter. Get rid of junk you don’t need and donate anything you can to charity. It will make moving a lot easier. 
  • If you have children that need to move school/ childcare as a result of the move try to organise this as soon as possible. 
  • Arrange an end of lease clean if you are renting. It is important not to leave this to the last minute and you may be charged a premium.
  • Start packing away anything you don’t need for the next 6 weeks. This may include things like Christmas decorations and off-season clothes. 
  • Important documents like passports, birth certificates etc should be put together and kept aside so that they do not get mixed up with all of your other moving boxes.
  • Organise your moving truck early.
  • Start collecting moving boxes early.
  • Organise storage if required.
  • Order furniture for your new home.

2-3 weeks before the move complete moving checklist

  • Set up utilities for your new- home.
  • Arrange for home and contents insurance at your new home.
  • Change the address of your medicare, bank, licence etc. 
  • Change your electoral role to your new address. 
  • Book your leave from work if necessary.
  • Have a final gas/electricity reading and pay all of your bills. 4
  • Re-direct any mail that is being delivered to your previous address. 
  • Disassemble and store away and furniture that is being unused. 
  • Start labelling boxes by room and label any boxes that contain fragile items.

1 week before the move

  • Create a schedule for moving day. 
  • Make sure you do not pack away tools. You will most likely need these on moving day. 
  • Clean out your fridge 
  • Pack a suitcase of the clothes you plan to use over the next week and pack away everything else. 
  • Arrange for the internet to be set up at your new home if necessary

The day of the move complete moving checklist

  • Get up early and make sure everything is ready to go. Try to arrange everything to be ready for moving. 
  • Once everything is removed do a thorough clean of your oven, cupboards and your entire home. If you have arranged for an end of lease clean this may not be necessary. 
  • Pick up your moving truck. 
  • Before leaving your old home do a last-minute run down of your home. Ensure that nothing has been left behind.  Try looking in the roof and every cupboard.
  • Lock everything up including the windows.

 At your new home

  • Ensure your utilities are all working. 
  • Prior to unpacking make sure the new home is thoroughly cleaned. 
  • Place the labelled boxes in their corresponding rooms.
  • If you have heating and cooling ensure that these are working. 
  • Unpack all of the essentials, not everything has to be done right away. 
  • Assemble your beds. 
  • Arrange for the locks to be changed so that you can ensure the previous owners or real-estate agents do not have access to your home. 
  • Sit back and relax!


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