Fb. In. Tw. Be.

Postnatal Depression affects 1 in 7 new mothers. As many as 1 in 10 new parents will develop the condition. Postnatal Depression, also referred to as the “baby blues”, although common, can be difficult to process and many people that experience it shrug it off as something that will pass. This is not always the case and seeking help early is the key to treating the condition. Dealing with postnatal depression can be a confusing time for those affected and the people around them. Here is a list of 10 ways you can help support a friend with postnatal depression.

Having children is expensive.  In Australia, the conservative cost of raising a child to 17 years of age is $297,600. This gets much more expensive when you have to take time off work to care for children.  Fortunately, some generous countries are making it easier for new parents by compensating them for long periods of leave. Here are the countries with the best maternity and paternity leave.

Looking for some environmentally friendly period alternatives? The average woman uses 20 tampons per period. If you were to times this by 12 months you would be using 240 tampons per year on average. Each year Australian women add around 500 million pads and 300 million tampons into landfill! Not only are pads and tampons bad for the environment they are also bad for your wallet. If you spend around $10 per month on disposable menstrual products you can expect to spend around $5400 over the lifetime of your period!

If you have freckles you have probably heard everyone telling you that you should love your freckles and you shouldn’t get rid of them. People who tell you this usually don’t have freckles themselves so they do not understand how self-conscious they can make you feel. I have dozens of freckles all over my face and I wish they were not there. Whenever you look at skincare ads with photos of people with clear skin they never have freckles. If you want to lighten your freckles that is entirely up to you and you should not let anyone tell you otherwise. Freckles are basically just visible sun damage. Here are 5 ways to lighten your freckles

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