Fb. In. Tw. Be.

What Exactly Is Period Underwear And How Does it Work?

If you’re someone that gets their period you probably have to deal with the hassle of always having a supply of pads and tampons handy for that time of the month. Not only is this costly it also takes a toll on the environment. The packaging, pads and tampons all go into landfill and take centuries to decompose.

Even with the most heavy-duty pads and tampons, you may still need to deal with stains on your clothes if you have a heavy flow. Period undies can hold up to 7 times the volume of a normal tampon so you shouldn’t have to worry about leakage while wearing period underwear. If you’re still worried you can even wear a tampon while wearing period undies for extra protection and peace of mind.

So you probably know what period undies are but you probably have questions like what’s the protection like? Does it smell? Are they hard to clean? Is it hygenic? Here is all you need to know.

What Are Period Undies?

Period underwear is a type of garment with additional paddings for additional protection during the cycle. They are absorbent underpants, usually made with multiple layers of moisture-wicking fabrics like polyester, nylon, spandex, etc., which also prevents leaking. It’s also a good replacement for tampons and pads if your flow isn’t so bad, and works well to absorb but keep the moisture locked.

All the more, most period underwear nowadays has an odor-repellent benefit, which makes your precious area feel fresh even though excess blood is flowing down.


How do you clean period underwear?

Period underwear can be washed like normal underwear, provided that it should be done gently and carefully. However, you must carefully rinse it first in cold water before you put it in the laundry. Using hot water when washing can shrink the cloth, and worse, can leave leftover blood to become embedded in the underwear.

By then, you can use a gentle detergent and hand wash it or put it in a mesh bag if you intend to use a washing machine.


Benefits of Period Underwear

Boosts your confidence

The best asset that period underwear can provide goes with your confidence. You’ll always be satisfied with how you can prevent unwanted stains, knowing that it protects well and keeps everything dry yet fresh. They feel natural too without the extra hassle!

Tampon/ Pad Replacement

If your period isn’t too heavy or you’re on the last day of your cycle, period underwear can be used as a replacement for tampons and pads. This makes it very easy for you, especially since you just pop them like normal underwear but effectively does its job.


Period underwear is reusable. Hence, you can get rid of those tampons and pads that fill up your garbage bins and smells – it is also good for the environment and reduces waste.

Hard Wearing

Most period underwear is hard-wearing. Made from microfibers with different durable materials, you can always rely on them. Some period underwear can even last up to 2 years if you take care of them well.

Can be used for swimming

This might shock you, but you can actually go for a swim without worrying about making the waters red (looks like a bad dream, yeah?). Provided that your flow isn’t so strong, period underwear can lock the moisture and prevent the blood from leaking even if you’re swimming. Unbelievable, right?


Period underwear serves as a great help for women who are environmentally conscious and with heavy flows. It makes you feel confident, with the ability to provide you with stress-free and blood-free pants that also keep everything dry and fresh.

Now turn your bloody worries away; period underwear comes to the rescue!

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