How to Market Yourself as a Fashion Stylist?
Being stylish doesn’t come naturally to everyone. If you understand body types, and the latest fashion trends you might have what it takes to be a stylist.
As a stylist, you can help people feel good about themselves through their clothes. Yet, not everyone can be as fashionable as they want to be; some may lack colour coordination, or even do not know that printed tops don’t go with printed bottoms. Hence, fashion stylists are here to the rescue.
Fashion stylists are artists. They seek to improve the wholeness of a person through mixing and matching their outfits to their own personal style and body type. There is a reason celebrities always seem to look incredible at red carpet events. They are being styled by professional stylists who know exactly what they’re doing.
Still, many think that styling is a dying economy. However, it isn’t. Just like celebrities, many people out there consider fashion stylists as their best friends; creating something ravishing rather than bland is a no-brainer for some. And if you’re a fashion stylist and aspiring to be one, you have to have that knack for being a true fashionista. But wait, how can you even sell your services to your clients?
Here is how to market yourself as a fashion stylist.
Make a Name For Yourself
You need to get out there and make yourself known. People will hear about you by word of mouth. You can start by offering to style people for free. You can try styling social media influencers to start off with then work your way up from there. Whenever you get a new client don’t be afraid to ask them to rate you and give you an endorsement. All famous stylists started off this way. You can’t just expect to be styling Kate Middleton or Kim Kardashian on your first job. You need to work your way up.
Use Social Media
Social Media is the best way to market any type of business. But you do need to know what you’re doing. You can’t just expect to have thousands of followers immediately. More followers will come over time as you do more jobs and style notable people. Your social media accounts should showcase your work to your aspiring customers. If you haven’t styled anyone yet you can post your outfits (OOTD). You can also offer to style friends and family and showcase them on your social media accounts.
On Instagram, you can have highlight reels where you showcase your styles by season so your clients can navigate conveniently through your artistry. Moreover, you can even host promotions for your page; tell your audience to share, tag friends, and like your business page for a chance to win in your raffle. Still, your prizes do not need to be superb ones. Perhaps, just a single coupon for free fashion styling can go a long way.
As you style more people and as clients and influencers begin to tag you in their posts your social media platforms will begin to grow. Social media can be a great free marketing tool.
Keep Styling
You need to keep adding to your portfolio and practising your art. You don’t need to pay anyone to model for you; Offer to style your family and friends and style them as well as you would if you were being paid to style a celebrity. Also, make sure you get good pictures as it is more likely to be trusted and preferred by anyone rather than posting low-quality ones. One tip: high-quality styling and high-quality pictures can make an illusion that your service is a professional and trusted one already. Practice makes perfect. Keep styling and keep fine-tuning your skills. Keep up with the latest fashion trends and stay ahead of the game.
Improve Your Skills
You won’t make it as a fashion stylist if you aren’t actually good at it. Make sure you learn the craft, learn how colours and patterns work and learn about different body types. Your work will speak for itself. If your clients look amazing you will get more bookings. If you don’t know what you’re doing and don’t keep up with trends it will show. So keep working and keep learning.
Always welcome referrals
Don’t be afraid to give people your business cards. And ask your clients to leave a review or to endorse you on their social media platforms.
This can be powerful. Whether someone has 100 followers or 1 million followers. The more people that hear about you and see your work the better. Every client is important and every endorsement is important. If a client loves your work they are likely to recommed you to a friend or hire you again in the future.
Marketing your fashion styling service is a good way to upstream your presence even against big competitors. You just have to have faith in your dreams, and a burning passion to make your service a success. Maybe today is the day you start.